Friday 5 January 2018


How do telephones work?
Its a very popular question, but, what's the answer?


First of all, to answer that question we must know a telephone have several parts: a loudspeaker, a microphone, a push-button keypad and two pairs of copper wires,one to take the signals to the other phone, the other to recieve the signals from the other phone.

Well, we now know the parts of the telephone, so we're going to start to speak about them.
When we pick up a telephone, is just as if we were flicking a switch, we're closing the circuit, thats why when we mark a number without picking it, it doesn't recognize it.
when you have marked the number and phoned, a switchboard (a small computer with all the telephone numbers on its data) connects your telephone with the one you're calling.
When you've already been connected, the diaphragm on the microphone vibrates and converts your voice into electricity that flows into the telephone line till the loudspeaker in the other's telephone, that converts that electricity again into sound.
So the next time someone say ''hopefully I knew how this telephone work'', you can fulfill his wish

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